Thursday, March 31, 2016


VoiceThread Course Reflection

a. I learned a lot about what being a connected educator really means from this course. Specifically speaking, I learned how powerful these connections can be. Acquiring power for my students and myself is made so simple through the many tools I have at my fingertips. I can instantly connect with other educators via Twitter, listen to new ideas from professionals with podcasts and YouTube videos, and make my own voice heard through these same tools as well as blogging. I aim to be an educator who is always moving forward and trying new things and the tools and knowledge I am able to take away from this course will aid in that mission. I have already been able to introduce my students to new types of video projects in my classroom!

b. I am most excited about Blogger and iMovie and the many resources I have been able to take away about how to incorporate them both into my classroom. My students are familiar with Google tools and resources so the fact that I can expand on that knowledge with the Blogger is great for me. I am not sure exactly how I want to approach the concept of student blogging in the classroom, but I know that it is a concept we will explore for next year. Right now I'm thinking making it the place for our "bell ringers" where students will be asked to write about certain topics, but then given some creative freedom as well. I cannot wait to see the impact this has on their writing. 
Using iMovie to plan, record, publish, and edit videos for this course was eye-opening. I am not scared or too intimidated by the process now to tackle it with my students. There are so many possibilities for student projects with iMovie and I look forward to discovering some of them right away.

c. I intend to continue using multimedia tools in my classroom by revamping and supplementing the curriculum I already incorporate with tools such as iMovie, Animoto, Screencasts, VoiceThread, and Blogging for both instruction and student projects. I am excited to both experiment and create with these tools in the near future! 

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